Items filtered by date: May 2018
Monday, 07 May 2018 08:04

Seminars in the department

As part of the seminars organized by the department for teachers and researchers teaching , lecture.Dr. Maysa Ali Abd Al-Awn Al-Badri, director of research unit gave a lecture titled "Pros and Cons of implementing the google classroom"  On Thursday 5/4/2018 on the conference hall, in the presence of the head of department Prof.Dr. Aqeel Shakir Ghani Al-Adili  and a number of teachers.

Dr. Maisa reviewed the pros and cons that she  noticed during her experience in the application of e-learning "google class room" The google class service is a big leap towards the development of university education where it is possible to create classrooms and the distribution of tasks and send instructions and see everything from one place without paper leases.

Dr. Maysa Ali is the first teacher to apply the "google class room" by creating this class sediments and sedimentary rocks of the first phase in the department.


Within the discussion sessions in the department, Dr. Sundus Ibrahim give a scientific lecture on (A Guide for Virtual Education Management System) on Monday 23/4/2018 on the conference hall in the presence of deputy head for scientific affairs , Dr. Adel Sharif Hamadi Al-Obaidi .

The lecture aimed at achieving the scientific benefit of from finding a virtual class capable of enhancing the interaction between the professor and the university student.

she talk in this lecture on the basic steps for the establishment of a virtual classroom and how to build the virtual classrooms and provide them with all means that help the professor to organize the lecture in a scientific and technological way and to help the student to absorb the scientific material in multiple ways through the application of the system google classroom). The lecture also included how to assign the assignment to the student and how to provide an exam for students and determine the time and date of delivery of the duty or exam.At the end of the presentation I left the opportunity to attend the discussion and ask questions. The pros were mentioned through the practical experience of the professor. 


The graduate students / master's degree in the department discussed the projects of their scientific messages on Wednesday 7/3/2018 and the conference hall in the presence of the head of the department Ass.Prof.Dr.Aqeel Shakir Ghani Al-Adili, Deputy Head for Scientific Affairs  Ass.Prof.Dr. Adel Sharif Hamadi Al-Obaidi , head of branch Ass.Prof.Dr.ahmed abdulah as well as the presence of supervising professors

The students' projects included a study on the practical problems facing the oil industry at the present time in order to obtain better results to serve the country and develop it through the projects and studies that work on it.


The head of the department Ass.Prof.Dr. Aqeel Shakir Ghani Al-Adili participated in a symposium entitled "Water scarcity in Iraq and the future and future solutions" on Thursday 15/3/2018 in the construction and construction In the presence of the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Amin Daway Thamir

The symposium aimed at diagnosing the problem of water scarcity in Iraq and searching for immediate and future solutions for safe management of water in Iraq and raising the executive recommendations of the proposed solutions and the need to activate them.

The Head of the Branch, Ass.Prof.Dr. Ahmed Abdullah Ramadan, met with the faculty members on Monday, 12/3/2018 and at the conference hall, in the presence of the Head of the Department,

 Ass.Prof.Dr. Aqeel Shakir Ghani Al-Adili 

The meeting included many issues: Emphasis on complying with the provisions of the University Service Law, discussing the scientific curriculum for the second semester, distributing the curriculum among the teaching staff in a fair manner, and the nature of the work of the committees and divisions within the department.


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