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The Head of Department and Teachers participate in the International Conference on Engineering Education

The head of the department, Prof.D. Aqeel Shaker Al-Adly, and a number of lecturers participated in the first international conference on engineering education held by the Faculty of Future University in collaboration with the Department of Chemical Engineering / University of Technology on 9/1/2019 in the university and with the participation of a large number of bodies from within the country And outside it. The participation included the provision of scientific research, including research by scientific assistant AD Adel Hafez Hammadi, M. Sondos Ibrahim Khalil and Rana Abbas Aziz in their research entitled (Future directions and challenges for electronic training of university students). Training and its multiple features in a Training and an appropriate level of efficiency and effectiveness to improve and improve performance in universities and institutions in order to create an atmosphere of electronic training for students instead of traditional training cases. The administrative assistant, Dr. Radeed Naeem Hwain, participated in the research entitled " The problem in engineering education included an analytical study using statistical methods to demonstrate the effect of the use of modern educational methods as a method of education based on the problem of "PBL" in providing engineering students the ability to activate the higher mental processes. Wth distinct distribution of certificates to all researchers and committees organized this conference by the President of the University and the Dean of the College Future University.


Last modified on Sunday, 10 February 2019 05:53